格兰富循环泵UPA 15-90-生活热水循环泵价格-型号-参数-用途-住宅增压泵-丹麦原装进口grundfos水泵
- 2024-01-07 16:12:00
- admin 原创
- 1363
Grundfos格兰富循环泵UPA 15-90适用于生活热水循环,UPA是专为民用住宅设计的紧凑型家用高效串联增压泵。
输送的液体: 水
液体温度范围: 2 .. 95 °C
运行时的液体温度: 60 °C
密度: 983.2 kg/m³
Flow switch Yes/No: Y
格兰富循环泵UPA 15-90技术参数:
额定流量: 0.98 m³/h
额定扬程: 5.462 米
TF等级: 95
泵壳: 铸铁
Pump housing: EN 1561 EN-GJL-150
叶轮: Composite
环境温度范围: 0 .. 40 °C
最大运行压力: 10 巴
接口型号: G
Size of connection: 3/4 inch
Pressure rating for pipe connection: PN 10
Port-to-port length: 160 毫米
最大输入功率: 120 瓦
电源频率: 50 Hz
Rated voltage: 1 x 230 V
Maximum current consumption: 0.48 安
电容器大小 - 运行: 3 µF
封装等级(IEC 34-5): X2D
Insulation class (IEC 85): H
Built-in motor protection: NONE
Power plug: Chinese plug
Net weight: 2.6 千克
Gross weight: 3.7 千克
运输体积: 0.004 m3
产地: CN
Grundfos UPA 15-90 is a domestic booster designed for pressure boosting of drinking water supplied from
an external source in residential homes. The UPA booster pumps increase the pressure of domestic water
to make the required pressure available at showers, taps and other tapping points.
This pump has an inlet and outlet port of 3/4 inch. The pressure rating of the pump corresponds with
PN 10 and a port-to-port length of 160 毫米. The UPA 15-90 provides the comfort of constant water pressure
with automatic start and stop. This is controlled by the integrated flow switch ensuring optimal start/stop
of the booster pump according to demand. The design is robust and built upon corrosion-free materials and
cataphoresis-coated cast iron pump housing to ensure a long lifetime. The pump is a canned rotor pump type
where pump and motor form an integral unit without shaft seal. This pump must always be installed with
horizontal motor shaft. This booster has a 2-pole, asynchronous, squirrel-cage motor with built in
impedance protection and short circuit proof. The bearings are lubricated by the pumped liquid. These
constructional features ensure maintenance-free operation.
Integrated flow switch: Automatic start and stop according to demand
Low noise level
Easy installation: plug and pump compact inline booster
Integrated non-return valve
Improved corrosion resistance
Built in motor protection
联系人: | 销售部 |
电话: | 1367-1525-190 |
Email: | 3438464794@qq.com |
QQ: | 3438464794 |
地址: | 上海市闵行区 |